A number of years ago at Panzerschreck I would of been playing the Flames of war doubles event. But since the move to version 4 I haven't liked it at all so with Star wars legion being on offer I attended that instead.
Unlike most war games I play im trying to limit myself to just one army. In this case is the droid armies of the CIS. I went for a gun line style army this time around with some speedy Staps as my mobile part of the force.
There was only 6 of us playing as a lot of the usual Legion players couldn't make the trip up to Palmerston north. A few of the ones up here were on duty in the Army and Airforce so couldn't attend either.
There was 3 Rebel armies, 2 Droid armies, and one Imperial force. Here are some pics of the days gaming of which I played 3 games vs 3 Rebel players.
Game 1 vs Rebels ended in a narrow loss for me.
Staps racing down the flank to harass the enemies rear lines.
The muscles of my outfit. (This tank is why I choose the droid army)
2nd game on the same table vs Rebels ended in a heavy defeat for me.
Jyn Erso laying down the law on my Staps.
My worker droid picking up the pieces trying to keep the squad running.
3rd game vs Rebels also this one ended in a win for me.
This time I wasn't the only one with vehicles.
Rebel troopers pinned down by my AAT and Staps.
Even Luke couldn't stand up to that much fire power.
A few Staps make it through to the enemies rear lines to pull their attention away from the battle.
A great days gaming had by all involved I finished 4th and you might think thats not bad but there was only 6 people lol. The following weekend I went to Wellington for an Armada event and I hope to have that up in a few days. Again I was running a CIS force and ill fill you in on that soon.
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