Game 4
Mission - Pincer
Team - FCUK (French Connection U.K
Players - Damien Tyson and Andrew Shepard
Armies - British tanks and French tanks.
We were defending in this battle. So we started with my whole half of the army on with AT guns in ambush. |
The French heavies start chipping away at my men. |
I spring my ambush in turn 3 but all I manage is to bail a few tanks. |
My T-28's charge in to contest the objective while the Char B tanks chew through my infantry. Warren's Panzer 2's come on to flank the H35's |
In the end we kill one H35 for the loss of most of our force and the game. |
Game 5
Mission - Dust up
Team - Clocks running times awasting
Players - Ken Camel and Greg Lockton
Armies -German 35-T tanks and German Recce.
Ken and Greg's setup. |
Our setup My T-28's, an infantry platoon and the panzer 1's where in reserve. |
Greg and Ken's plan of attack was very aggressive and shots would be fired on mass from turn one. |
We luckily only had a couple of tanks bailed so with some quick remounting we opened fire. |
Our lines appear to be holding Warren scores a few kills and a few bails. |
Mean while on turn 3 my T-28's cam on machine gunned most of the recce platoon to death. Then made a B-line for the objective which at the moment was undefended. |
Ken's first platoon of reserves arrive and head for our objective. But with a little motivation from my commissar assault and kill a tank and drive the other off. |
Ken's and Greg's forceful march is starting to cost them Warren is starting to rack up quite a few kills. With the loss of only one platoon. |
After my T-28's dispatch of the Panzerjager 1's that came back to defend we catch the objective without too much trouble. |
Warren and I felt we did much better this year just going for points not wins to keep the points ticking over. We only failed to score a extra point in one game. All our opponents were great and we had a lot of fun. We were quite happy with our mid table result we look forward to next year.
24 First to Warsaw (2nd.). Soviet Inf/Sov Tankovy
23 Conquest 04 ( 3rd.). Mit Pz Komp/LePzKom.
22 Bro Geste. FreeFr. Inf/NZ Mech com.
21 Ravishing Red Rapsc. Sov Strelkovy X 2
19 Red Spot Special. Jap. Tank/Jap.Inf
19 Tripoli For Tea. Ital. Carri/Fr. Legion Inf
19 Da Mommas Boyz. Finn/Pz Kom
19 StopGap. German Pz Kom X 2
18 French Connection. Fr. Comp De Combat/Brit Inf Tank
17 Salt & Sand. US Pacific/ Brit Lt Tank
17 Hitler & Stalin's tour de Poland. Ger tank. Strelk/Sov (Rising Sun)
17 Premium Bananas. Finn Pan/German Le Pz
17 Team Koch Block. Luftlandsturm X 2
17 Statler & Waldorf. Fin Inf/Finn tank
16 Wounded Soldiers. Germ MG/ Germ Inf.
15 OK Who?. Germ Inf. X 2
14 Don’t B. T. t. F. Stewie. BAR/Stuart Com.
14 Train Mc Trainface. Polish Inf/Polish Tanks
13 Clocks Running.. Kradsch./Czech Pz.
12 Thund. From Downunder. Aus Div Cav/Aus Inf
12 The Beer Snobs (Best Sports). Germ. Schutzen Kom. X 2
11 Old Dogs. Gebirgsjager X 2
11 Spaghetti & Bratwurst. Le Pz/Comp. Carri