Monday, 8 October 2018

Star wars armada Lower Hutt open

On the 7th of October what I believe was the first Star Wars armada event in the Wellington region. We had 7 players in attendance 4 Playing relying on the might of the Imperial navy and 3 players mustering up the forces of the Rebel alliance. We had 3 games over the day all going without a problem. A good range of ships and admirals were in use from both sides and everyone had squadrons.

              Name                   Pts      MoV     Admiral                              Ships                                      

1st  - Mathew Collet        23pts     554       Screed      Imperial Star destroyer, Raider, Gladiator
2nd - Thomas Cole          23pts     387       Thrawn     2x Imperial star destroyers
3rd - Brent Fletcher         17pts     237       Screed      Gladiator, 3x Raiders, 2x Gozanti
4th - Iain Campbell         16pts     166       Ackbar     MC80 (Home one), Assault frigate, GR75, CR90
5th - Shane Fletcher        16pts     70         Rieekan    MC80 (Home one), MC30, CR90, GR75
6th - Michael Strudwick  14pts     275      Motti         Imperial star destroyer, Interdictor, Victory
7th - John Fletcher           14pts     140      Raddus      2x MC75, Mc30

Game one underway.

Brent's Fleet ready for action.

Thomas has his two ISD's bear down on Shane's Fleet.

Plenty of fighter support here for the support ships.

Imperial civil war as Thomas and Brent slug it out.

Rebel in fighting Shane and Iain's fleets clash.

Michael and Mathew's ships broadside each other.

Ready for deployment.

The Rebel infighting continues.

My MC75 drops in from hyperspace just behind the enemy.

A big thank you to everyone who turned up and helps pack up at the end. I look forward to running the next one in the future.